About Us

Big Beaver is a fictional megacorporation created by Chris Boden that has become a hallmark of skilled trades.


Originally created as a way to be able to create online educational videos while shielding his employer from liability, the Big Beaver branding has come to be used by countless other people in the trades as a token stand-in for their actual employers. 


In today’s world where corporations are paranoid and litigious, the Big Beaver brand gives a comfortable shield to those of us who want to create videos and share them. This lets those of us who want to make and share our passion for work and what we do with the world be able to avoid the hassles of mistakenly being used as a representative of our employer.


We ALL work for Big Beaver. Big Beaver exists to be your scapegoat, shield, and cover. We are the face of the faceless, the ubiquitous brand you can use anywhere, and not have to worry about getting hauled into HR for it. 


The consequences of making a social media video and having your employers logo on your truck or shirt can be career-ending in seconds. Big Beaver is the team created to prevent that. We have magnets that can be tossed over your employers logos on everything from toolboxes to vehicles and be applied or removed in seconds without leaving a mark. For more lasting solutions and in semi-permanent places we have stickers as well.


We also have a complete line of both casual t-shirts, and more professional work attire across the entire Big Beaver brand, with specialty Beavers for various departments, trades, and career paths. If you can’t find one that fits, just reach out and we’ll work on creating a new Beaver just for your vocation. Big Beaver is for everyone.